How to Practice
Getting started and understanding the process
Consider doing it daily for 30 days. It works best if you set aside 10 or 15 minutes each morning before all the events of the day start crowding in. Create a special place to do your writing. Dedicate a journal just for this work. Read a short passage from literature that is sacred to you, that touches your soul.
Spend a few moments in silence focusing on your breath or a favorite prayer. Sit comfortably and upright in your chair, remembering into whose presence you are about to come.
Now focus on the connection between you and your Higher Power. Sense if there is anything in the way or an area where you really need help. Now you are ready to listen.
Using your imagination, allow God to speak with you. Start with a term of endearment, then let the words flow. Listening is intense. You will know when you are done. That is the time to stop.
Read over what you just heard. If you received guidance, and if it's “honest, unselfish, loving, and pure,” be sure to act on it. If you have any doubts, check with someone who’s doing this work.
I hope these videos helped you understand Two Way Prayer a little better. Try it for 30 days. Explore the website or watch the videos of others sharing to go deeper in the practice. It’s been a life-changer for many of us. We hope it will be for you as well.
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Two Way Prayer Experiences
Practitioners share their writings as they progress