Father Bill W. is a recovered alcoholic and an Episcopal priest who has worked in the addiction treatment field for over 45 years. Bill presents workshops and retreats throughout the country and writes frequently on AA’s spiritual history and Two Way Prayer. His article titled “Two Way Prayer: A Lost Tool for Practicing AA’s 11th Step” was recently published in Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly. He received the Wheelock Whitney Award given to “the man or woman who has advanced the understanding of faith and science in addiction prevention and recovery.” The award is presented annually by the Johnson Institute of Washington D.C.
Listen to podcasts on these services or search for “Father Bill W.” on your favorite podcast source.
SERIES EIGHT | April 14, 2021
Unconscious Contact: Finding the Way to Life
Between the literalism of many religionists and the emptiness of modern life lies another way. Connecting with the symbolic life brings needed energy and excitement to the 12-Step recovery journey. Fr. Bill continues Edinger’s book Ego and Archetype with Chapter Four: “The Search for Meaning.” The episode uses a gnostic poem The Hymn of the Pearl as an example. (A pdf version of Edinger’s book Ego and Archetype is in the show notes.) Show Notes: Ego and Archetype by Edward Edinger, PhD
SERIES EIGHT | April 14, 2021
Unconscious Contact: Becoming All We Can Be
Fr. Bill concludes Chapter Three in Edinger’s book Ego and Archetype. The episode focuses on staying connected to our Higher Self to find our meaning and purpose – especially when things aren’t going our way. (Again, a pdf version of Edinger’s book Ego and Archetype is in the show notes.) Ego and Archetype by Edward Edinger, PhD: https://www.academia.edu/8148769/Ego_and_Archetype_Edward_Edinger
SERIES EIGHT | April 14, 2021
Unconscious Contact: God and the Group
Fr. Bill explores Edinger’s Third Chapter titled: “Encounter with the Self.” He looks at how religion (or the program) can act as “middleman” between us and God. This can work, but at a price. The price is not growing into a more mature self. (Again, a pdf version of Edinger’s book Ego and Archetype is in the show notes.) Ego and Archetype by Edward Edinger, PhD: https://www.academia.edu/8148769/Ego_and_Archetype_Edward_Edinger
SERIES EIGHT | March 16, 2021
Unconscious Contact: Our Time in the Wilderness
Hitting bottom always comes before recovery. The way UP first leads us DOWN. In this episode Fr. Bill explores some of the psychological and spiritual forces at work in discovering what many of us call “the gift of desperation.” In traditional religious language it’s called our time in the wilderness or the dark night of the soul. No pain no gain! (Again, a pdf version of Edinger’s book Ego and Archetype is in the show notes.) Ego and Archetype by Edward Edinger, PhD https://www.academia.edu/8148769/Ego_and_Archetype_Edward_Edinger
SERIES EIGHT | March 8, 2021
Unconscious Contact: The Separated Self
Many addicts have a deep sense of “never fitting in” even before they started using addictive substances. This episode explores the inner-wounding to the vital connecting link between the ego and the Self. Father Bill explains why ACCEPTANCE proves so critical in recovery and how it helps repair the damaged link. (A pdf version of Edinger’s book Ego and Archetype is in the show notes.)
SERIES EIGHT | March 1, 2021
Unconscious Contact: Starting the Lifelong Journey
This series traces our physical and spiritual life-cycle from birth, to rebirth, to death. Building on the work of Jungian analyst Edward Edinger, Fr. Bill simplifies Edinger’s insights and applies them to 12-Step recovery. In this episode we explore the formation of the Ego and how human beings begin relating to the “Higher Power.” A pdf version of Edinger’s book Ego and Archetype is in the show notes. Ego and Archetype by Edward Edinger, PhD: https://www.academia.edu/8148769/Ego_and_Archetype_Edward_Edinger
SERIES SEVEN | Feb 3, 2021
AA: Spiritual and/or Religious- Final Thoughts
Drawing from Houston Smith’s classic The World’s Religions, Father Bill concludes the series focusing on six elements common to all religions: authority, ritual, speculation, tradition, God’s sovereignty, and mystery. These elements are also subject to abuse and these dangers are covered as well. Houston Smith’ World Religions: (pdf. Version)
SERIES SEVEN | Jan 25, 2021
AA: Spiritual and/or Religious- A Buddhist in Recovery
Many in recovery find Buddhist philosophy and meditation a tremendous aid to their spiritual journey. Fr. Bill’s guest is Kevin G. a gifted Buddhist author and teacher in long term recovery from addiction. Kevin is the author One Breath at a Time: Buddhism and the Twelve Steps. The Buddha’s enlightenment and Kevin’s simple teaching style have much to offer addicts in the ongoing search to overcome our suffering. See the links below to contact Kevin directly. Kevin’s website: www.kevingriffin.net / The Buddhist Recovery Network
Houston Smith’ World Religions: (pdf.) https://www.pdfdrive.com/the-worlds-religions-our-great-wisdom-traditions-e156848105.html / Article on Jesuit Brother Bob Maat: https://contemplativealliance.org/2017/01/12/a-saint-named-bob
SERIES SEVEN | Jan 19, 2021
AA: Spiritual and/or Religious- A Muslim in Recovery
Fr. Bill’s guest is Sinan K. from Istanbul, Turkey. Sinan was born and raised in the Muslim faith but could only find his recovery through AA. In Arabic, the word “Islam” means “surrender.” Realizing this connection opened the door to Step One and led him to a deeper practice of his faith where he explores the Sufi or mystical dimensions of his religion. This is a lively discussion. If you wish to contact Sinan, please write: TwoWayPrayer@Gmail.com Salaam Alaikum!
SERIES SEVEN | Jan 11, 2021
Bonus Episode: Fr. Bills Story and Steps
Fr. Bill shares his recovery story along with the understanding of the 12 Steps he discovered studying AA history. If you’re into following Dr. Bob’s advice to “keep it simple” this episode may be just what the Doctor ordered! Enjoy!
SERIES SIEVEN | Jan 4, 2021
AA: Spiritual and/or Religious-Vasu R. / A Hindu in Recovery
Fr. Bill’s guest was born into the Hindu faith in India. A member of the Brahmin class, he studied his religion intently but could only find recovery through Alcoholics Anonymous 26 years ago. Now living in Dallas, Vasu still serves his community by bringing workshops and AA retreats to alcoholics in his native land. If you wish to contact Vasu, please write: TwoWayPrayer@Gmail.com
SERIES SEVEN | Dec 29, 2020
AA: Spiritual and/or Religious- Yisrael C. / An Orthodox Jew in Recovery
Fr. Bill’s guest has over 40 years in AA journeying from a Catholic kid in Philadelphia to an Orthodox Jew and stand-up comedian in Israel. Balancing tragedy and comedy, he works at the Holocaust Museum in Jerusalem and takes great joy helping newcomers find both sobriety and fun in recovery. Here’s a link to his full AA story. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=yisrael+c+aa To contact him, write me at TwoWayPrayer@gmail.com and I’ll happily forward it. Shalom!
SERIES SEVEN | Dec 21, 2020
AA: Spiritual and/or Religious: Kim from Australia /An Atheist in Recovery
Fr. Bill’s guest is Kim from Brisbane, Australia. Years ago, Kim first heard a “feminine inner voice” telling her it was “time to grow up and get sober!” Kim has done exactly that, but without the need for God or religion. Her spiritual journey to wholeness is still guided by that same inner voice of wisdom who now talks to her through Two Way Prayer. Kim’s a delightful guest and a really fun spirit. Enjoy!
SERIES SEVEN | Dec 14, 2020
AA: Spiritual and/or Religious- David A. /Catholic in Recovery
Fr. Bill’s guest is David A. a Roman Catholic physician with 25 years in AA recovery. David shares his faith journey as it moved from superficial to an experience of the supernatural. David is no stranger to tragedy, his mother having been killed by an intruder. Hear how David’s faith connection helped him heal from a meaningless, well defended life in addiction to a new and meaningful one in recovery. He’s a gentle soul well worth a listen!
SERIES SEVEN | Dec 8, 2020
AA: Spiritual and/or Religious- A Religious Mongrel
Fr. Bill’s guest is Matt D., Director of All Addicts Anonymous. Discussion centers on Tom Powers who helped Bill Wilson write the 12&12 and other AA literature. Tom drew his faith from several religious traditions defining himself as a “religious mongrel” and damn proud of it! Please help future podcasts by taking a moment to answer a quick, eight-question survey
SERIES SEVEN | Nov 30, 2020
AA: Spiritual and/or Religious- The Times Are Changing
In this first episode, Fr. Bill explores the place of religion and spirituality in 12-Step recovery.
He tells of his own conflicts and resolutions while setting the stage for future episodes that include interviews with fellow spiritual (and sometimes religious) travelers. The Shoemaker Article quoted can be downloaded here
SERIES SIX | Nov 9, 2020
Psychic Change in Recovery: Living Life in the Fourth Dimension
In this concluding episode, Fr. Bill explores what it’s like to live in what the Big Book calls, “the fourth dimension of experience.” Please help us to create a more meaningful podcast by answering less than ten questions here or here
SERIES SIX | Oct 2, 2020
Psychic Change in Recovery: Prof. William Miller - Author of Quantum Change
The professor reflects on his in-depth study of psychic change. Father Bill joins this renowned scholar in a lively discussion of spirituality and science. Miller’s book is: Quantum Change:
When Epiphanies and Sudden Insights Transform Ordinary Lives. Miller's Book
SERIES SIX | Oct 26, 2020
Psychic Change in Recovery: The Addict Afterwards
This episode explores the lasting effects of a spiritual experience. It builds on the work of Quantum Change author Prof. William Miller and the experiences of Bill Wilson and the first 100 in AA.
SERIES SIX | Oct 19, 2020
Psychic Change in Recovery: God in the Eye of the Storm
This episode examines the qualities of a spiritual experience. Building on the works of Professor William James, Fr. Bill explores Dr. William Miller’s nine traits of a “psychic change.” It’s really
more fun than it sounds!
SERIES SIX | Oct 12, 2020
Psychic Change in Recovery: Follow the Right Road
In this episode Fr. Bill explores the Seven Elements of Spiritual Transformation laid out by Jungian psychologist Robert Moore. Keeping our intended destination foremost in mind helps us arrive at where we’re needing to go.
SERIES SIX | Sep 28, 2020
Psychic Change in Recovery: The Gift of Desperation
In this episode Fr. Bill explores the inner-landscapes of a genuine “spiritual experience.”
Seems hitting bottom has a brighter side after all.
SERIES SIX | Sep 28, 2020
Psychic Change in Recovery: What is it?
Psychic change is the ultimate goal of the 12-Step recovery process. In this episode Father Bill examines the nature of these spiritual transformations while the series builds on Professor William Miller’s book “Quantum Change.”
SERIES FIVE | Sep 2, 2020
AA’s Bill W From the Inside Out: Bill’s Life After AA
After Bill Wilson founded AA, he never stopped trying to help the alcoholics struggling with “the spiritual part” of the program. Fr. Bill traces Wilson’s later journey through some of its surprising twists and turns.
SERIES FIVE | Aug 24, 2020
AA’s Bill W From the Inside Out: Bill Joins the Group
Both AA Co-founders were members of the Oxford Group before they ever met, but neither was experiencing much “success.” Fr. Bill explores Wilson’s first six months in recovery and traces the providential events that led to his meeting with Dr. Bob in Akron, Ohio.
SERIES FIVE | Aug 17, 2020
AA’s Bill W From the Inside Out: Bill’s Led Out from His Cave
After Wilson came down from his mountaintop experience, he set out to unlock the mystery of why "it" had worked for him and how "it" might work for others. Fr. Bill explores Wilson's being led out from his cave and being charged with bringing "hope to the hopeless."
SERIES FIVE | Aug 10, 2020
AA’s Bill W From the Inside Out: Bill’s Mountaintop Experience
Wilson finally cries out for help to a God he isn’t sure is there. Then, like his grandfather, he undergoes his famous “white light,” mountaintop experience. Fr. Bill examines Wilson’s “psychic change” in light of William James’ classic description of a “conversion experience.”
SERIES FIVE | Aug 3, 2020
AA’s Bill W From the Inside Out: Before the Big Bang
Several “mini-white light” experiences preceded Wilson’s famous “hot-flash” in Towns Hospital. Largely unknown to most in recovery, Fr. Bill shares Wilson’s spiritual encounters within the
broader context of Bill’s spiritual journey.
SERIES FIVE | Jul 27, 2020
AA’s Bill W From the Inside Out: Wilson Flies High Before the Crash
Fr. Bill explores the effects of Bill Wilson’s childhood traumas on his early life. Wilson’s autobiography provides insights into his developing alcoholism.
The myth of Icarus serves as a psychological model. Links for this episode:
Father Bill W.'s Autobiography & Ego and Archetype
SERIES FIVE | Jul 20, 2020
AA’s Bill W.: From the Inside Out: A Wounded Child
Bill Wilson grew up in a dysfunctional family. His childhood traumas compounded his depressions and contributed to his alcoholism. Fr. Bill explores Wilson’s early years sharing stories from Wilson’s little known autobiography. Find the book here
SERIES FOUR | Jun 15, 2020
AA & Carl Jung: The Hero's Journey: The 12-Steps to Wholeness
Father Bill gives a brief overview of Jung's contributions to AA and to the spiritual journey
we call recovery. He references Inner Work by Robert A. Johnson.
SERIES FOUR | Jun 8, 2020
AA & Carl Jung: Religion in Recovery. Is there a Role to Play?
A "psychic change" was the prescription Rowland H. received from Dr. Jung. Does religion
have anything to contribute to this?
SERIES FOUR | Jun 2, 2020
AA & Carl Jung: Shadow Work
Father Bill accesses the shadow side of consciousness. Inventory marks only the beginning
and not the end of our inner journey.
SERIES FOUR | May 25, 2020
AA & Carl Jung: Dreams in Recovery
Fr. Bill explores the world of dreams. Dreams bring needed information and insight from our unconscious mind and have an important place in Two Way Prayer.
SERIES FOUR | May 11, 2020
AA & Carl Jung: Meeting the Unconscious: Start of the Inner Journey
Father Bill explores the relationship between the ego and the unconscious. Jung saw it as the doorway to new life.
SERIES FOUR | May 6, 2020
AA & Carl Jung: Jung’s Letter to Bill W. - Drunks and Demons Examined
How the life-giving Spirit overcomes the life-taking spirits in alcohol.
SERIES FOUR | May 4, 2020
AA & Carl Jung: Meeting the Unconscious: Where Addiction
and Recovery Reside
Father Bill opens the door to the unconscious. Hear an addict talk to his addiction as his addiction talks back to him.
SERIES FOUR | Apr 27, 2020
AA & Carl Jung: Wilson's Letter to Jung: How one man's hopelessness brought hope to millions
C.J. Jung played a critical role in the start of AA. His insights can still help us find a
fuller recovery today.
SERIES FOUR | Apr 17, 2020
Bonus Episode AA TWP Workshop: Lafayette, Lousiana Pt. 2
Episode Two: The second part of this workshop teaches how to begin the practice of Two Way Prayer. Handouts are at www.TwoWayPrayer.org
SERIES FOUR | Apr 17, 2020
Bonus Episode AA TWP Workshop: Lafayette, Lousiana Pt. 1
Part 1: Father Bill shares 11th Step history at an AA workshop in Louisiana. Handouts are at www.TwoWayPrayer.org
SERIES THREE | Feb 17, 2020
AA’s Spiritual Roots: The Fellowship: God in the Group
Addiction cuts us off – from God, from our fellows, and from our True Selves. Fr. Bill tells how new life in recovery moves us from isolation to integration.
SERIES THREE | Feb 10, 2020
AA's Spiritual Roots: Carrying the Message:
Attraction vs Promotion
The Oxford Group set out to change the world, but AA stays focused on changing alcoholics
who want to be changed. Father Bill explores the history behind this principle.
SERIES THREE | Feb 2, 2020
AA’s Spiritual Roots: Guidance: Does God Care What
We Do Next?
Through Two Way Prayer, AA Pioneers sought daily guidance from God. Father Bill shares
how this “seemingly lost art” can be practiced again today.
SERIES THREE | Jan 10, 2020
AA’s Spiritual Roots: Quiet Time: A “Must” in Recovery
AA Pioneers thought a morning “alone time” with God was more important than
attending meetings. Father Bill explains why.
SERIES THREE | Dec 21, 2019
AA’s Spiritual Roots: The Four Absolutes: Key to Unlocking
Our Hearts
AA Pioneers had no 12-Steps; but they did have 4 Absolute principles that opened their
hearts to God and recovery.
SERIES THREE | Dec 5, 2019
AA’s Spiritual Roots: Making Amends: A Restitution Revolution
Father Bill W. explores early AA’s getting right with one another in order to get right with God.
SERIES THREE | Nov 26, 2019
AA’s Spiritual Roots: Fifth Step Origins, Sharing our way into new life
Learn how and why “confession” proved central for the Oxford Group and early AAs.
SERIES THREE | Nov 18, 2019
AA’s Spiritual Roots: “God’s Plan for Your Life”
Find new meaning and purpose in recovery by discovering God’s Plan for your life
through Two Way Prayer.
SERIES TWO | Mar 13, 2019
AA Originals: Step Twelve: Journey from Head to Heart
The 12 Steps shift our center of consciousness from self to God. This episode concludes the series on how the pioneer program brings about a spiritual experience strong enough to overcome addiction.
SERIES TWO | Mar 7, 2019
AA Originals: Step Eleven: Is Prayer More Important than a Meeting?
Early AA’s practiced a form of prayer that has been lost to today’s 12-Step Fellowships.
Discover the practice and see why it’s changing so many lives again today.
SERIES TWO | Feb 24, 2019
AA Originals: Step Ten: Watch & Pray
If we don’t watch ourselves both within and without, we won’t know what to pray for;
but if we’ll learn to watch, we’ll begin to pray like AA’s pioneers.
SERIES TWO | Feb 20, 2019
AA Originals: Steps Eight & Nine: The Forgiveness Factor
Forgiveness opens us to new levels of humility and presents opportunities to heal old wounds.
This episode tells how central it was to the pioneers and still is for today’s addict.
SERIES TWO | Feb 10, 2019
AA Originals Step Seven: Egocide - How to Commit
It and Survive
This Step centers on gaining enough humility to overcome addiction. It's the death of one self
and the birth of another.
SERIES TWO | Feb 6, 2019
AA Originals: Step Six: - Surrender 2.0
Early AA’s often underwent two surrenders. The second became Steps
6 & 7. Wilson said he put the Four Absolutes here.
SERIES TWO | Jan 27, 2019
AA Originals: Step Five - Sharing Our Souls Clean
Early AA's followed the Letter of James to "confess your faults one to another." The deeper
they shared the cleaner they felt. Dr. Bob's wife encouraged people to "go naked to God."
SERIES TWO | Jan 20, 2019
AA Originals: Step Four – How the Pioneers
Did Inventory
Early AA’s had a far simpler approach to taking inventory. Learn how they did it and why it worked.
SERIES TWO | Jan 13, 2019
AA Originals: Step Three – It’s Simply A Decision
Early AA’s did this Step only once and always in the presence of another. Learn how this
simpler method moves us quickly into the next critical phase of recovery.
SERIES TWO | Jan 6, 2019
AA Originals: Step Two – A Laboratory Called Trust
Early AA’s completed this Step in a matter of minutes. Learn how they did it and why agnostics
are especially welcome!
SERIES TWO | Dec 23, 2018
AA Originals: Step One – Our Hopeless Condition
Bill Wilson carefully chose words for this Step. Understanding why he chose them can unlock
their meaning and give you a stronger foundation in recovery.
SERIES TWO | Dec 16, 2018
AA Originals: Discovering 12 Steps’ Spiritual Roots
AA’s Co-founders and the First 100 recovered in the Oxford Group. Learn how the 12 Steps emerged from the Group and how this can strengthen your recovery.
SERIES ONE | Aug 2, 2019
Two Way Prayer: Story of the 5 Ms
Father Bill shares a story that changed his life and may help you change yours.
SERIES ONE | Jul 29, 2019
Two Way Prayer: Start a Meeting
Father Bill shares experiences in starting Two Way Prayer meetings.
A sample meeting format is included.
SERIES ONE | Jul 19, 2019
Scripting with Fr. Mike Falls
Childhood often brings experiences that haunt us for the rest of our lives. Fr. Mike explains how these events can write our life’s script and why we need to bring them into our prayer.
SERIES ONE | Jul 12, 2019
Two Way Prayer: Tom B. Interview
Long-time AA & Al-Anon member Tom B. from Austin, Texas shares his experience, strength,
and intimate journal writings. Don’t miss this fun and enlightening episode.
SERIES ONE | Jul 5, 2019
Two Way Prayer: The Kid with Fr. Michael Falls
Real prayer is drawing closer to God with all our broken parts in tow. A former Dallas
Cowboy and Episcopal priest Fr. Mike explores adding Inner Child work to Two Way Prayer.
It's not Recovery, it's Discovery.
SERIES ONE | Jun 28, 2019
Two Way Prayer: Prayer Partners
Sharing your writings with another “listener” deepens the Two Way Prayer experience. Here’s some helpful advice from Father Bill.
SERIES ONE | Jun 21, 2019
Two Way Prayer: How to Begin
A step-by-step guide to listening for God’s Voice. The simple set of instructions builds
on early AA’s lost form of prayer.
SERIES ONE | Jun 14, 2019
Two Way Prayer: Oxford Group Pamphlet
Find out how they prayed in early AA. This 1930’s pamphlet can lead you to God’s
will for your life and help transform it as well.
SERIES ONE | Dec 8, 2018
Two Way Prayer: AA’s Lost 11th Step
Prayer and meditation were keys to recovery for early AA members. Learn how
Oxford Group and AA Pioneers practiced them to bring new life to your program.
Father Bill W. is a recovered alcoholic and an Episcopal priest who has worked in the addiction treatment field for over 45 years. Bill presents workshops and retreats throughout the country and writes frequently on AA’s spiritual history and Two Way Prayer. His article titled “Two Way Prayer: A Lost Tool for Practicing AA’s 11th Step” was recently published in Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly. He received the Wheelock Whitney Award given to “the man or woman who has advanced the understanding of faith and science in addiction prevention and recovery.” The award is presented annually by the Johnson Institute of Washington D.C.
Listen to podcasts on these services or search for “Father Bill W.” on your favorite podcast source.
SERIES EIGHT | April 14, 2021
Unconscious Contact: Finding the Way to Life
Between the literalism of many religionists and the emptiness of modern life lies another way. Connecting with the symbolic life brings needed energy and excitement to the 12-Step recovery journey. Fr. Bill continues Edinger’s book Ego and Archetype with Chapter Four: “The Search for Meaning.” The episode uses a gnostic poem The Hymn of the Pearl as an example. (A pdf version of Edinger’s book Ego and Archetype is in the show notes.) Show Notes: Ego and Archetype by Edward Edinger, PhD
SERIES EIGHT | April 14, 2021
Unconscious Contact: Becoming All We Can Be
Fr. Bill concludes Chapter Three in Edinger’s book Ego and Archetype. The episode focuses on staying connected to our Higher Self to find our meaning and purpose – especially when things aren’t going our way. (Again, a pdf version of Edinger’s book Ego and Archetype is in the show notes.) Ego and Archetype by Edward Edinger, PhD: https://www.academia.edu/8148769/Ego_and_Archetype_Edward_Edinger
SERIES EIGHT | April 14, 2021
Unconscious Contact: God and the Group
Fr. Bill explores Edinger’s Third Chapter titled: “Encounter with the Self.” He looks at how religion (or the program) can act as “middleman” between us and God. This can work, but at a price. The price is not growing into a more mature self. (Again, a pdf version of Edinger’s book Ego and Archetype is in the show notes.) Ego and Archetype by Edward Edinger, PhD: https://www.academia.edu/8148769/Ego_and_Archetype_Edward_Edinger
SERIES EIGHT | March 16, 2021
Unconscious Contact: Our Time in the Wilderness
Hitting bottom always comes before recovery. The way UP first leads us DOWN. In this episode Fr. Bill explores some of the psychological and spiritual forces at work in discovering what many of us call “the gift of desperation.” In traditional religious language it’s called our time in the wilderness or the dark night of the soul. No pain no gain! (Again, a pdf version of Edinger’s book Ego and Archetype is in the show notes.) Ego and Archetype by Edward Edinger, PhD https://www.academia.edu/8148769/Ego_and_Archetype_Edward_Edinger
SERIES EIGHT | March 8, 2021
Unconscious Contact: The Separated Self
Many addicts have a deep sense of “never fitting in” even before they started using addictive substances. This episode explores the inner-wounding to the vital connecting link between the ego and the Self. Father Bill explains why ACCEPTANCE proves so critical in recovery and how it helps repair the damaged link. (A pdf version of Edinger’s book Ego and Archetype is in the show notes.)
SERIES EIGHT | March 1, 2021
Unconscious Contact: Starting the Lifelong Journey
This series traces our physical and spiritual life-cycle from birth, to rebirth, to death. Building on the work of Jungian analyst Edward Edinger, Fr. Bill simplifies Edinger’s insights and applies them to 12-Step recovery. In this episode we explore the formation of the Ego and how human beings begin relating to the “Higher Power.” A pdf version of Edinger’s book Ego and Archetype is in the show notes. Ego and Archetype by Edward Edinger, PhD: https://www.academia.edu/8148769/Ego_and_Archetype_Edward_Edinger
SERIES SEVEN | Feb 3, 2021
AA: Spiritual and/or Religious- Final Thoughts
Drawing from Houston Smith’s classic The World’s Religions, Father Bill concludes the series focusing on six elements common to all religions: authority, ritual, speculation, tradition, God’s sovereignty, and mystery. These elements are also subject to abuse and these dangers are covered as well. Houston Smith’ World Religions: (pdf. Version)
SERIES SEVEN | Jan 25, 2021
AA: Spiritual and/or Religious- A Buddhist in Recovery
Many in recovery find Buddhist philosophy and meditation a tremendous aid to their spiritual journey. Fr. Bill’s guest is Kevin G. a gifted Buddhist author and teacher in long term recovery from addiction. Kevin is the author One Breath at a Time: Buddhism and the Twelve Steps. The Buddha’s enlightenment and Kevin’s simple teaching style have much to offer addicts in the ongoing search to overcome our suffering. See the links below to contact Kevin directly. Kevin’s website: www.kevingriffin.net / The Buddhist Recovery Network
Houston Smith’ World Religions: (pdf.) https://www.pdfdrive.com/the-worlds-religions-our-great-wisdom-traditions-e156848105.html / Article on Jesuit Brother Bob Maat: https://contemplativealliance.org/2017/01/12/a-saint-named-bob
SERIES SEVEN | Jan 19, 2021
AA: Spiritual and/or Religious- A Muslim in Recovery
Fr. Bill’s guest is Sinan K. from Istanbul, Turkey. Sinan was born and raised in the Muslim faith but could only find his recovery through AA. In Arabic, the word “Islam” means “surrender.” Realizing this connection opened the door to Step One and led him to a deeper practice of his faith where he explores the Sufi or mystical dimensions of his religion. This is a lively discussion. If you wish to contact Sinan, please write: TwoWayPrayer@Gmail.com Salaam Alaikum!
SERIES SEVEN | Jan 11, 2021
Bonus Episode: Fr. Bills Story and Steps
Fr. Bill shares his recovery story along with the understanding of the 12 Steps he discovered studying AA history. If you’re into following Dr. Bob’s advice to “keep it simple” this episode may be just what the Doctor ordered! Enjoy!
SERIES SIEVEN | Jan 4, 2021
AA: Spiritual and/or Religious-Vasu R. / A Hindu in Recovery
Fr. Bill’s guest was born into the Hindu faith in India. A member of the Brahmin class, he studied his religion intently but could only find recovery through Alcoholics Anonymous 26 years ago. Now living in Dallas, Vasu still serves his community by bringing workshops and AA retreats to alcoholics in his native land. If you wish to contact Vasu, please write: TwoWayPrayer@Gmail.com
SERIES SEVEN | Dec 29, 2020
AA: Spiritual and/or Religious- Yisrael C. / An Orthodox Jew in Recovery
Fr. Bill’s guest has over 40 years in AA journeying from a Catholic kid in Philadelphia to an Orthodox Jew and stand-up comedian in Israel. Balancing tragedy and comedy, he works at the Holocaust Museum in Jerusalem and takes great joy helping newcomers find both sobriety and fun in recovery. Here’s a link to his full AA story. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=yisrael+c+aa To contact him, write me at TwoWayPrayer@gmail.com and I’ll happily forward it. Shalom!
SERIES SEVEN | Dec 21, 2020
AA: Spiritual and/or Religious: Kim from Australia /An Atheist in Recovery
Fr. Bill’s guest is Kim from Brisbane, Australia. Years ago, Kim first heard a “feminine inner voice” telling her it was “time to grow up and get sober!” Kim has done exactly that, but without the need for God or religion. Her spiritual journey to wholeness is still guided by that same inner voice of wisdom who now talks to her through Two Way Prayer. Kim’s a delightful guest and a really fun spirit. Enjoy!
SERIES SEVEN | Dec 14, 2020
AA: Spiritual and/or Religious- David A. /Catholic in Recovery
Fr. Bill’s guest is David A. a Roman Catholic physician with 25 years in AA recovery. David shares his faith journey as it moved from superficial to an experience of the supernatural. David is no stranger to tragedy, his mother having been killed by an intruder. Hear how David’s faith connection helped him heal from a meaningless, well defended life in addiction to a new and meaningful one in recovery. He’s a gentle soul well worth a listen!
SERIES SEVEN | Dec 8, 2020
AA: Spiritual and/or Religious- A Religious Mongrel
Fr. Bill’s guest is Matt D., Director of All Addicts Anonymous. Discussion centers on Tom Powers who helped Bill Wilson write the 12&12 and other AA literature. Tom drew his faith from several religious traditions defining himself as a “religious mongrel” and damn proud of it! Please help future podcasts by taking a moment to answer a quick, eight-question survey
SERIES SEVEN | Nov 30, 2020
AA: Spiritual and/or Religious- The Times Are Changing
In this first episode, Fr. Bill explores the place of religion and spirituality in 12-Step recovery.
He tells of his own conflicts and resolutions while setting the stage for future episodes that include interviews with fellow spiritual (and sometimes religious) travelers. The Shoemaker Article quoted can be downloaded here
SERIES SIX | Nov 9, 2020
Psychic Change in Recovery: Living Life in the Fourth Dimension
In this concluding episode, Fr. Bill explores what it’s like to live in what the Big Book calls, “the fourth dimension of experience.” Please help us to create a more meaningful podcast by answering less than ten questions here or here
SERIES SIX | Oct 2, 2020
Psychic Change in Recovery: Prof. William Miller - Author of Quantum Change
The professor reflects on his in-depth study of psychic change. Father Bill joins this renowned scholar in a lively discussion of spirituality and science. Miller’s book is: Quantum Change:
When Epiphanies and Sudden Insights Transform Ordinary Lives. Miller's Book
SERIES SIX | Oct 26, 2020
Psychic Change in Recovery: The Addict Afterwards
This episode explores the lasting effects of a spiritual experience. It builds on the work of Quantum Change author Prof. William Miller and the experiences of Bill Wilson and the first 100 in AA.
SERIES SIX | Oct 19, 2020
Psychic Change in Recovery: God in the Eye of the Storm
This episode examines the qualities of a spiritual experience. Building on the works of Professor William James, Fr. Bill explores Dr. William Miller’s nine traits of a “psychic change.” It’s really
more fun than it sounds!
SERIES SIX | Oct 12, 2020
Psychic Change in Recovery: Follow the Right Road
In this episode Fr. Bill explores the Seven Elements of Spiritual Transformation laid out by Jungian psychologist Robert Moore. Keeping our intended destination foremost in mind helps us arrive at where we’re needing to go.
SERIES SIX | Sep 28, 2020
Psychic Change in Recovery: The Gift of Desperation
In this episode Fr. Bill explores the inner-landscapes of a genuine “spiritual experience.”
Seems hitting bottom has a brighter side after all.
SERIES SIX | Sep 28, 2020
Psychic Change in Recovery: What is it?
Psychic change is the ultimate goal of the 12-Step recovery process. In this episode Father Bill examines the nature of these spiritual transformations while the series builds on Professor William Miller’s book “Quantum Change.”
SERIES FIVE | Sep 2, 2020
AA’s Bill W From the Inside Out: Bill’s Life After AA
After Bill Wilson founded AA, he never stopped trying to help the alcoholics struggling with “the spiritual part” of the program. Fr. Bill traces Wilson’s later journey through some of its surprising twists and turns.
SERIES FIVE | Aug 24, 2020
AA’s Bill W From the Inside Out: Bill Joins the Group
Both AA Co-founders were members of the Oxford Group before they ever met, but neither was experiencing much “success.” Fr. Bill explores Wilson’s first six months in recovery and traces the providential events that led to his meeting with Dr. Bob in Akron, Ohio.
SERIES FIVE | Aug 17, 2020
AA’s Bill W From the Inside Out: Bill’s Led Out from His Cave
After Wilson came down from his mountaintop experience, he set out to unlock the mystery of why "it" had worked for him and how "it" might work for others. Fr. Bill explores Wilson's being led out from his cave and being charged with bringing "hope to the hopeless."
SERIES FIVE | Aug 10, 2020
AA’s Bill W From the Inside Out: Bill’s Mountaintop Experience
Wilson finally cries out for help to a God he isn’t sure is there. Then, like his grandfather, he undergoes his famous “white light,” mountaintop experience. Fr. Bill examines Wilson’s “psychic change” in light of William James’ classic description of a “conversion experience.”
SERIES FIVE | Aug 3, 2020
AA’s Bill W From the Inside Out: Before the Big Bang
Several “mini-white light” experiences preceded Wilson’s famous “hot-flash” in Towns Hospital. Largely unknown to most in recovery, Fr. Bill shares Wilson’s spiritual encounters within the
broader context of Bill’s spiritual journey.
SERIES FIVE | Jul 27, 2020
AA’s Bill W From the Inside Out: Wilson Flies High Before the Crash
Fr. Bill explores the effects of Bill Wilson’s childhood traumas on his early life. Wilson’s autobiography provides insights into his developing alcoholism.
The myth of Icarus serves as a psychological model. Links for this episode:
Father Bill W.'s Autobiography & Ego and Archetype
SERIES FIVE | Jul 20, 2020
AA’s Bill W.: From the Inside Out: A Wounded Child
Bill Wilson grew up in a dysfunctional family. His childhood traumas compounded his depressions and contributed to his alcoholism. Fr. Bill explores Wilson’s early years sharing stories from Wilson’s little known autobiography. Find the book here
SERIES FOUR | Jun 15, 2020
AA & Carl Jung: The Hero's Journey: The 12-Steps to Wholeness
Father Bill gives a brief overview of Jung's contributions to AA and to the spiritual journey
we call recovery. He references Inner Work by Robert A. Johnson.
SERIES FOUR | Jun 8, 2020
AA & Carl Jung: Religion in Recovery. Is there a Role to Play?
A "psychic change" was the prescription Rowland H. received from Dr. Jung. Does religion
have anything to contribute to this?
SERIES FOUR | Jun 2, 2020
AA & Carl Jung: Shadow Work
Father Bill accesses the shadow side of consciousness. Inventory marks only the beginning
and not the end of our inner journey.
SERIES FOUR | May 25, 2020
AA & Carl Jung: Dreams in Recovery
Fr. Bill explores the world of dreams. Dreams bring needed information and insight from our unconscious mind and have an important place in Two Way Prayer.
SERIES FOUR | May 11, 2020
AA & Carl Jung: Meeting the Unconscious: Start of the Inner Journey
Father Bill explores the relationship between the ego and the unconscious. Jung saw it as the doorway to new life.
SERIES FOUR | May 6, 2020
AA & Carl Jung: Jung’s Letter to Bill W. - Drunks and Demons Examined
How the life-giving Spirit overcomes the life-taking spirits in alcohol.
SERIES FOUR | May 4, 2020
AA & Carl Jung: Meeting the Unconscious: Where Addiction
and Recovery Reside
Father Bill opens the door to the unconscious. Hear an addict talk to his addiction as his addiction talks back to him.
SERIES FOUR | Apr 27, 2020
AA & Carl Jung: Wilson's Letter to Jung: How one man's hopelessness brought hope to millions
C.J. Jung played a critical role in the start of AA. His insights can still help us find a
fuller recovery today.
SERIES FOUR | Apr 17, 2020
Bonus Episode AA TWP Workshop: Lafayette, Lousiana Pt. 2
Episode Two: The second part of this workshop teaches how to begin the practice of Two Way Prayer. Handouts are at www.TwoWayPrayer.org
SERIES FOUR | Apr 17, 2020
Bonus Episode AA TWP Workshop: Lafayette, Lousiana Pt. 1
Part 1: Father Bill shares 11th Step history at an AA workshop in Louisiana. Handouts are at www.TwoWayPrayer.org
SERIES THREE | Feb 17, 2020
AA’s Spiritual Roots: The Fellowship: God in the Group
Addiction cuts us off – from God, from our fellows, and from our True Selves. Fr. Bill tells how new life in recovery moves us from isolation to integration.
SERIES THREE | Feb 10, 2020
AA's Spiritual Roots: Carrying the Message:
Attraction vs Promotion
The Oxford Group set out to change the world, but AA stays focused on changing alcoholics
who want to be changed. Father Bill explores the history behind this principle.
SERIES THREE | Feb 2, 2020
AA’s Spiritual Roots: Guidance: Does God Care What
We Do Next?
Through Two Way Prayer, AA Pioneers sought daily guidance from God. Father Bill shares
how this “seemingly lost art” can be practiced again today.
SERIES THREE | Jan 10, 2020
AA’s Spiritual Roots: Quiet Time: A “Must” in Recovery
AA Pioneers thought a morning “alone time” with God was more important than
attending meetings. Father Bill explains why.
SERIES THREE | Dec 21, 2019
AA’s Spiritual Roots: The Four Absolutes: Key to Unlocking
Our Hearts
AA Pioneers had no 12-Steps; but they did have 4 Absolute principles that opened their
hearts to God and recovery.
SERIES THREE | Dec 5, 2019
AA’s Spiritual Roots: Making Amends: A Restitution Revolution
Father Bill W. explores early AA’s getting right with one another in order to get right with God.
SERIES THREE | Nov 26, 2019
AA’s Spiritual Roots: Fifth Step Origins, Sharing our way into new life
Learn how and why “confession” proved central for the Oxford Group and early AAs.
SERIES THREE | Nov 18, 2019
AA’s Spiritual Roots: “God’s Plan for Your Life”
Find new meaning and purpose in recovery by discovering God’s Plan for your life
through Two Way Prayer.
SERIES TWO | Mar 13, 2019
AA Originals: Step Twelve: Journey from Head to Heart
The 12 Steps shift our center of consciousness from self to God. This episode concludes the series on how the pioneer program brings about a spiritual experience strong enough to overcome addiction.
SERIES TWO | Mar 7, 2019
AA Originals: Step Eleven: Is Prayer More Important than a Meeting?
Early AA’s practiced a form of prayer that has been lost to today’s 12-Step Fellowships.
Discover the practice and see why it’s changing so many lives again today.
SERIES TWO | Feb 24, 2019
AA Originals: Step Ten: Watch & Pray
If we don’t watch ourselves both within and without, we won’t know what to pray for;
but if we’ll learn to watch, we’ll begin to pray like AA’s pioneers.
SERIES TWO | Feb 20, 2019
AA Originals: Steps Eight & Nine: The Forgiveness Factor
Forgiveness opens us to new levels of humility and presents opportunities to heal old wounds.
This episode tells how central it was to the pioneers and still is for today’s addict.
SERIES TWO | Feb 10, 2019
AA Originals Step Seven: Egocide - How to Commit
It and Survive
This Step centers on gaining enough humility to overcome addiction. It's the death of one self
and the birth of another.
SERIES TWO | Feb 6, 2019
AA Originals: Step Six: - Surrender 2.0
Early AA’s often underwent two surrenders. The second became Steps
6 & 7. Wilson said he put the Four Absolutes here.
SERIES TWO | Jan 27, 2019
AA Originals: Step Five - Sharing Our Souls Clean
Early AA's followed the Letter of James to "confess your faults one to another." The deeper
they shared the cleaner they felt. Dr. Bob's wife encouraged people to "go naked to God."
SERIES TWO | Jan 20, 2019
AA Originals: Step Four – How the Pioneers
Did Inventory
Early AA’s had a far simpler approach to taking inventory. Learn how they did it and why it worked.
SERIES TWO | Jan 13, 2019
AA Originals: Step Three – It’s Simply A Decision
Early AA’s did this Step only once and always in the presence of another. Learn how this
simpler method moves us quickly into the next critical phase of recovery.
SERIES TWO | Jan 6, 2019
AA Originals: Step Two – A Laboratory Called Trust
Early AA’s completed this Step in a matter of minutes. Learn how they did it and why agnostics
are especially welcome!
SERIES TWO | Dec 23, 2018
AA Originals: Step One – Our Hopeless Condition
Bill Wilson carefully chose words for this Step. Understanding why he chose them can unlock
their meaning and give you a stronger foundation in recovery.
SERIES TWO | Dec 16, 2018
AA Originals: Discovering 12 Steps’ Spiritual Roots
AA’s Co-founders and the First 100 recovered in the Oxford Group. Learn how the 12 Steps emerged from the Group and how this can strengthen your recovery.
SERIES ONE | Aug 2, 2019
Two Way Prayer: Story of the 5 Ms
Father Bill shares a story that changed his life and may help you change yours.
SERIES ONE | Jul 29, 2019
Two Way Prayer: Start a Meeting
Father Bill shares experiences in starting Two Way Prayer meetings.
A sample meeting format is included.
SERIES ONE | Jul 19, 2019
Scripting with Fr. Mike Falls
Childhood often brings experiences that haunt us for the rest of our lives. Fr. Mike explains how these events can write our life’s script and why we need to bring them into our prayer.
SERIES ONE | Jul 12, 2019
Two Way Prayer: Tom B. Interview
Long-time AA & Al-Anon member Tom B. from Austin, Texas shares his experience, strength,
and intimate journal writings. Don’t miss this fun and enlightening episode.
SERIES ONE | Jul 5, 2019
Two Way Prayer: The Kid with Fr. Michael Falls
Real prayer is drawing closer to God with all our broken parts in tow. A former Dallas
Cowboy and Episcopal priest Fr. Mike explores adding Inner Child work to Two Way Prayer.
It's not Recovery, it's Discovery.
SERIES ONE | Jun 28, 2019
Two Way Prayer: Prayer Partners
Sharing your writings with another “listener” deepens the Two Way Prayer experience. Here’s some helpful advice from Father Bill.
SERIES ONE | Jun 21, 2019
Two Way Prayer: How to Begin
A step-by-step guide to listening for God’s Voice. The simple set of instructions builds
on early AA’s lost form of prayer.
SERIES ONE | Jun 14, 2019
Two Way Prayer: Oxford Group Pamphlet
Find out how they prayed in early AA. This 1930’s pamphlet can lead you to God’s
will for your life and help transform it as well.
SERIES ONE | Dec 8, 2018
Two Way Prayer: AA’s Lost 11th Step
Prayer and meditation were keys to recovery for early AA members. Learn how
Oxford Group and AA Pioneers practiced them to bring new life to your program.